Chairman & Founder , The Security Awareness Special Interest Group
Martin Smith gained his degree in behavioural psychology before spending 15 years as a commissioned officer in the Royal Air Force Security (Provost) Branch, employed on the whole range of policing and security duties. After being awarded the MBE for this work, he left the Service to establish a second career in the commercial sector. In 1997 he founded The Security Company (TSC) to assist organisations in implementing security culture change programmes. In 2004 he founded the Security Awareness Special Interest Group (SASIG), a networking forum whose membership now represents hundreds of organisations of all sizes from across the world and from all sectors, public and private.
Martin is a Fellow of The Security Institute. In March 2017, he was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award at the inaugural OSPAs ceremony for his work in information security, especially his championing of the human factor in security breaches and raising employee awareness of where threats lie.