Dr. Saritha Arunkumar
WorldWide Security Ecosystem Technical Leader , IBM
As a Thought Leader and WW security ecosystem technical leader, I bring in over 24+ years of experience in the Cyber Security space, leading and shaping up security in the upcoming and emerging areas like AI, Cloud Security, Blockchain, Biometrics and IoT security.
I have a bachelor's degree in engineering, master's degree in operations research and a PhD in Mobile Security. My education and experience has given me the opportunity to work very closely with C-Suite, Senior leaders and Board of Directors helping them identify the gaps and adapt to security best practices within their organisations.
As a Master Inventor, Fellow of BCS, Fellow of CiiSec, I represent at various international events, conferences and I am very passionate about innovation, empowering more women in security and hence I lead a number of women in Cyber initiatives helping and mentoring more women take up Security as their career.
Outside of work, I volunteer at schools and universities steering more students towards the STEM career and I host radio show program interviewing Role Models from all walks of life.
I am honoured and humbled to have received many recognitions including the prestigious Princess Royal Silver medal award and the fellowship of Royal Academy of Engineering. Through all this I want to continue giving back to the community and make a bigger impact.